Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Last few months

Well once again I have fallen behind on my blog posts. My last post I showed pictures of our new place. We got all moved in a settled. We are loving having the place. It is nice to have a place with two bedrooms and possibly a little extra space. We even have the garage but it is full. Kyle took off the next day after we got everything moved and went and got his car from his mom's house. So it is all tore apart in our garage. It sits and waits till he has some money to do something more with it. It will be a long project but keeps him entertained for a few hours each weekend which is actually kind of nice!!

My parents come and visited the first part of May. We took them around some more of the area. They even meet Kyle's mom and soon to be step dad. Saw their new house also. They also have gotten all moved. It was a moving month for us. Getting them all moved and ourselves.

After their visit to see us I actually took the train home to go on my mom's family coast trip. That was enjoyable. I spent one night up in Portland and got a chance to actually see some friends that are living up there. Then I went home and we headed to the beach for the weekend. After getting home from that I got to see Sharlee and Ali for a few. Not too long they have to come visit me. It was a short but very productive trip.

Kyle and I actually braved the rain and went camping for a night during memorial weekend. We went to the river near Libby. It was just for a night, I ended up getting burnt by the fire but that only hurt for a little while. We tried out our new tent. It is huge, a lot bigger then we thought. It is going to be nice to have. We are slowly going to buy some more camping stuff as we go.

Last weekend we actually went to the race track. My first time seeing live car races. It was a lot of fun actually. I had a really good time. We were actually in the pit because kyle has some friends that are all racing. Kyle was helping in the pit. One of the guys on the team ended up coming in third. Three out of the 4 cars were going to need some good repairs before the next race actually. One car blew an engine cylinder, another lost their breaks, and another guy got in a wreck. It was an interesting race but lots of fun. On Sunday we went for a little drive. We went up to a town called Polebridge next to Glacier Park. It was a little spooky drive. It felt like a scene from a scary movie. We then were told about a pretty lake up the road about six miles. I had this picture in my head of the ranger following up the road and killing us. He didn't kill us and turns out it is a beautiful lake. I wouldn't mind going back there and camping on a nice weekend. We might consider taking a gun though just cause now we have scared ourselves. I will have to post pictures when I get home.

This weekend we are planning on going to Willawa lake and going to see my parents again when they meet up there. It should be a nice little get away.

Lets see for a work update. Tax season is over. We ended up doing over 200 tax returns!! For a first year site and I pretty satisfied. We doubled the amount we are suppose to actually do. We had over 150,000 in federal refunds back to our clients. We are in out second quarter for financial education. I have started teaching the classes. I am really enjoying this new task. Hopefully we will keep doing this. We have hired somebody as of today to take on the Vista position as my replacement. She is coming from Georgia. I am excited to have somebody replace me.

As for what I am planning on doing as of July 18. First task is to get a better paying job!! Easy task I think. I am hoping to stay on with the agency and hopefully a job will be opening up here in the near future and I will be applying for a job when it does open. I am looking forward to a new adventure and the training that will come with this possible job!! :)

Well I should go I am down in Helena for the night for some meetings. It has been raining here and some how I think I got lost on my way down. I don't really know where I went wrong but I didn't come to Helena like I have in the past. I thought I was going to Greatfalls for quite awhile. I figured if I ended up there I knew where to go from there but I got here just not sure how it happened. Hopefully I will get easier then I got here. I think I took the long way I guess.

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