Monday, September 29, 2008

3rd time better be a charm

So this weekend was a beautiful weekend. Saturday I was super busy being lazy all morning and afternoon. I got up at ten ate breakfast and then went back to bed and slept till one. Then I watched several lifetime movies. Saturday night was the last night at the race track. Kyle's friend Kyle had one more race that he was in. He ended up getting to do the trophy dash and won. So he was pretty pleased to get a trophy. The main event would have gone okay but they blew a tire and their stuff to fix it had been put away so it took way too long to get it fixed. He made it back out for the last lap. Saturday I started to have problems with my starter in my car so we decided to work on it Sunday.

Kyle took the one we had put in the car just two months ago out and took it to Napa, turns out it was faulty. So we got a new remanufactored one and got it all put in and my car didn't even try to start. They had given us another bad one. We took it out again and then took it back. At this point Kyle wasn't happy at all. They ended up giving us a brand new one for a discount so now I have a brand new one that better work!! We spent the rest of the day getting stuff done around the house. We did buy a few more halloween decorations. Kyle bought a scary skelleton guy and hung it outside. And it did a good job by scaring me this morning when I left for work.

I only have a day and half more of work. And Wed I leave for Oregon!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well again I have made another change. I have 5 more days at Northwest Montana Human Resources and will now be working at Denning, Downey, and Associates. I will be a staff accountant working in the audit and tax departments. I am excited for the change but nervous at the same time. I have hope that this change will give Kyle and I more of a chance to go forward and do what we want. We really want to buy a house at some point. Hopefully sooner then later. So hopefully with this new job will help us save some money and then also pay our bills off.

Kyle has also had a change with his job. He is now working three days a week. They hope that this change will help with him working so many hours and also cut down on their costs for him driving over there.

With my time at NMHR I have traveled to Chicago for some training. I loved visiting Chicago. I did a lot of walking around the downtown area. Sunday I think I walked like 20 blocks looking at different things. I went to Sears Tower, on a architecture tour, to Navy Pier, and then on bus tour of town. On the bus tour I went to the different ethnic communites which was neat to see. Got me out of the downtown area the whole time and saw some other area. They are trying to get the 2016 summer olympics so they have built this beautiful park right in down town. It is so neat with a huge performance area, fountains, tennis courts and so much more.

Tia and Jessie came and visited the first part of September. It was fun to get to hang out with them. We went to Glacier park and went camping for a night. I learned how to play phase 10 and fell in love with that game. I still need to go buy it!!

I am coming home first of Octoboer. I am taking a short break between the jobs and will be home Oct 1-5 and then will start my job Oct 6. I will be hopefully finding some professional clothing for my new job and then be attending Amber's wedding. Plus it is my birthday while I am home!!

That is my update for now. I should get back to work. 5 more days!!