Here are some pictures of our new fence!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
New house, spring, and much more...
Well I was just reading a friends blog and felt that I really needed to get a new post done for myself.
We are all moved into the house now, well not completly out of the storage unit but we are making progress. Things are starting to come together in the house. The kitchen is bigger then I really need. I have empty drawers, no cabinets but that I cause I spread everything out. We did some painting in the living room and hallway. No more white walls in there. I still have to do some more touch up work on the moldings, doors and ceiling. I left those all white. The living room is now a tan. We also painted one wall in the spare room the same tan color. We bought three gallons of the tan and we had a gallon and half left over. The spare room now has a bed in it. We are still looking for a queen frame so we can get it off the floor. Once we get that we just have some pictures to put up and it will look really nice.
Our yard is slowly turning green. Kyle is out there every night watering it and then mowing it every week because he keeps putting fertilizer on it. But it is turning green which makes him happy. He wasn't too excited to see the first $80 water bill but he will live. We are also planning on planting some trees, garden and flower beds in the coming month. We were on our way to the garden place today but ended up not purchasing as much as we would have liked because on the way there a truck hit a rock up on my wind sheild. So instead of some trees we will now be replacing a wind sheild. The rock did some pretty bad demage, Kyle had glass on him, there is a crack down my whole wind shield, and is sure to be leaking with the first rain.
Needless to say we are loving the new house. We also went to the human society and got a new cat. She is 13 years old but if you didn't know that you never would. She plays like a kitten and acts like one too. We now have cat toys all over the house.
Work is going really well and staying very busy. We are in our last 6 weeks of the fiscal year 2008 audit season. I am currently working with Bob on all of his audits to attempt to get them all done. He works on the cities and counties. So I will be traveling a lot over the next few weeks but it will keep me very busy and I will learn a lot. I think I will have the chance to learn how to do a federal audit which should be fun and get me ready for next years audit season.
Kyle is starting to get busy again with work. Summer time and people drink more beer or the no work thing is making people drink more. Who knows but it keeps him in a job. They are actually talking about letting him continue to work three days a week all summer but get him help so that should be nice but a very busy three days.
As for everything else I am back in school. I am about to finish my first class of the graduate program that I started. I am going to the University of Phoenix and working on my Masters in the Science of Accountancy. The program is designed to help me prep for the CPA exam. I will be done in about 14 short months. Every class is 6 weeks and I only take one at at time.
Lets see the last thing that has been exciting is I finally found the reason for my hives. I went in and got allergy testing done the beginning of the week. It only took them about 2 months to get me in. I am allergic to yeast and corn. But I took those two things out of my diet and I instantly got better. Corn does include everthing made out of it so no more pop and candy for the most part. Getting those two things out has made me feel a million times better already in just a few short days. My crohns is doing really well to, no drugs for that so I can't complain to much. Hopefully this will be the end of my health problems for awhile.
We are looking forward to the summer, working on the yard, racing, camping and a vacation to Oregon. We are planning on coming out July 17 staying for a few days around Salem and then taking off to the coast to camp for a few days and then drive up to Seattle area for a few more days.
We are all moved into the house now, well not completly out of the storage unit but we are making progress. Things are starting to come together in the house. The kitchen is bigger then I really need. I have empty drawers, no cabinets but that I cause I spread everything out. We did some painting in the living room and hallway. No more white walls in there. I still have to do some more touch up work on the moldings, doors and ceiling. I left those all white. The living room is now a tan. We also painted one wall in the spare room the same tan color. We bought three gallons of the tan and we had a gallon and half left over. The spare room now has a bed in it. We are still looking for a queen frame so we can get it off the floor. Once we get that we just have some pictures to put up and it will look really nice.
Our yard is slowly turning green. Kyle is out there every night watering it and then mowing it every week because he keeps putting fertilizer on it. But it is turning green which makes him happy. He wasn't too excited to see the first $80 water bill but he will live. We are also planning on planting some trees, garden and flower beds in the coming month. We were on our way to the garden place today but ended up not purchasing as much as we would have liked because on the way there a truck hit a rock up on my wind sheild. So instead of some trees we will now be replacing a wind sheild. The rock did some pretty bad demage, Kyle had glass on him, there is a crack down my whole wind shield, and is sure to be leaking with the first rain.
Needless to say we are loving the new house. We also went to the human society and got a new cat. She is 13 years old but if you didn't know that you never would. She plays like a kitten and acts like one too. We now have cat toys all over the house.
Work is going really well and staying very busy. We are in our last 6 weeks of the fiscal year 2008 audit season. I am currently working with Bob on all of his audits to attempt to get them all done. He works on the cities and counties. So I will be traveling a lot over the next few weeks but it will keep me very busy and I will learn a lot. I think I will have the chance to learn how to do a federal audit which should be fun and get me ready for next years audit season.
Kyle is starting to get busy again with work. Summer time and people drink more beer or the no work thing is making people drink more. Who knows but it keeps him in a job. They are actually talking about letting him continue to work three days a week all summer but get him help so that should be nice but a very busy three days.
As for everything else I am back in school. I am about to finish my first class of the graduate program that I started. I am going to the University of Phoenix and working on my Masters in the Science of Accountancy. The program is designed to help me prep for the CPA exam. I will be done in about 14 short months. Every class is 6 weeks and I only take one at at time.
Lets see the last thing that has been exciting is I finally found the reason for my hives. I went in and got allergy testing done the beginning of the week. It only took them about 2 months to get me in. I am allergic to yeast and corn. But I took those two things out of my diet and I instantly got better. Corn does include everthing made out of it so no more pop and candy for the most part. Getting those two things out has made me feel a million times better already in just a few short days. My crohns is doing really well to, no drugs for that so I can't complain to much. Hopefully this will be the end of my health problems for awhile.
We are looking forward to the summer, working on the yard, racing, camping and a vacation to Oregon. We are planning on coming out July 17 staying for a few days around Salem and then taking off to the coast to camp for a few days and then drive up to Seattle area for a few more days.
Monday, March 16, 2009
So here is a little update on what has been going on since my last post of our house. We still aren't moved. Hopefully (crossing my fingers) we will be moving in this coming weekend. Getting our loan out of underwriting has been a little crazy. I have sent a ton of bank statements and paystubs to them, my college transcripts and who knows what else. Hopefully we will rap everything up this week.
We have lots of plans for the house but the big thing right now is getting into it and then cleaning the old place. Plus before we move I want to make sure that it has all been cleaned up before putting stuff in their. Kyle is planning on cleaning the carpets and I want to get the bathrooms and kitchen cleaned to start off with. Then after we are a little settled we are going to be purchasing some blinds for the windows, and slowly starting to paint the starch white walls. I am thinking our bedroom will be two different tones of green. Possibly the office will be a blue and the spare room is a toss up from Red or a burnt orange/brown. The living room I would like to paint it a tan or cream.
When the snow melts and we start getting warmer we will start working on some new flower beds, trees, and then a garden in the backyard. We will also have to put up one more side of fence in the backyard.
Soon it will become our own home.
As for everything else I have finally decided to go back to school. I am starting March 31 at the University of Phoenix. I am doing my masters in the science of accountancy. I want to get to a point where I am ready to sit for the CPA exam and that is what this program is designed to do. So hopefully after 12 classes in accounting I will be ready. The classes run for 6 weeks at a time and I only take one at a time. I should be done in about a year and 4 months. Work is pretty busy to March is the month of all of our Federal audits need to be done so we have been frantically working on getting those done. I have been out of town for the last 4 weeks for a couple of days at a time. Things should slow down a little and we will start working on the smaller audits but we have a lot more to get done before June 30 when everything is due.
Kyle is mainly working lots and waiting to get to move into his new garage and start fixing it up.
Well that is us for now. Soon I will post a new address for us and then I will also be changing my phone number I think. I figure it seems time to do that since I did buy a house here. Although after having the same phone number for 8 years it is a little hard to give it up.
We have lots of plans for the house but the big thing right now is getting into it and then cleaning the old place. Plus before we move I want to make sure that it has all been cleaned up before putting stuff in their. Kyle is planning on cleaning the carpets and I want to get the bathrooms and kitchen cleaned to start off with. Then after we are a little settled we are going to be purchasing some blinds for the windows, and slowly starting to paint the starch white walls. I am thinking our bedroom will be two different tones of green. Possibly the office will be a blue and the spare room is a toss up from Red or a burnt orange/brown. The living room I would like to paint it a tan or cream.
When the snow melts and we start getting warmer we will start working on some new flower beds, trees, and then a garden in the backyard. We will also have to put up one more side of fence in the backyard.
Soon it will become our own home.
As for everything else I have finally decided to go back to school. I am starting March 31 at the University of Phoenix. I am doing my masters in the science of accountancy. I want to get to a point where I am ready to sit for the CPA exam and that is what this program is designed to do. So hopefully after 12 classes in accounting I will be ready. The classes run for 6 weeks at a time and I only take one at a time. I should be done in about a year and 4 months. Work is pretty busy to March is the month of all of our Federal audits need to be done so we have been frantically working on getting those done. I have been out of town for the last 4 weeks for a couple of days at a time. Things should slow down a little and we will start working on the smaller audits but we have a lot more to get done before June 30 when everything is due.
Kyle is mainly working lots and waiting to get to move into his new garage and start fixing it up.
Well that is us for now. Soon I will post a new address for us and then I will also be changing my phone number I think. I figure it seems time to do that since I did buy a house here. Although after having the same phone number for 8 years it is a little hard to give it up.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The new house
Well it looks like I will be buying a house with the help of Kyle paying ha
lf of it. We had been looking for awhile around and prices have recently dropped that we couldn
't actually afford what we were wanting. So two weeks ago we went with our realtor and looked at 6 different homes. We really liked two of them and ended up putting an offer in on one here in town. It turned out that there was another offer in also and I put my best offer in and it wasn't good enough. So after talking with Kyle about it we decided to put in an offer on our second choice. It was a 3 bedroom 2 bath in Somers, which is about 7 min. from my work. So in reality it is actually closer for me to ge
t to work then I am currently at. Our offer was excepted on all of our terms on the first try. Should have gone lower I guess. I know I know sh
ould have listened to my dad. We have been doing a lot of running around and getting thing but things do seem to finally be coming together. Tomorrow is our inspection and then an appraisal in the next week to week and half. Our loan officer seems to think we might be able to close a little sooner then we had originally said. It is set for March 19. We aren'
t holding our breath on that but maybe we will get to move sooner. Would be nice to have a little extra time. Here are some pictures of our new home.

t holding our breath on that but maybe we will get to move sooner. Would be nice to have a little extra time. Here are some pictures of our new home.

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