Well it looks like I will be buying a house with the help of Kyle paying ha

lf of it. We had been looking for awhile around and prices have recently dropped that we couldn

't actually afford what we were wanting. So two weeks ago we went with our realtor and looked at 6 different homes. We really liked two of them and ended up putting an offer in on one here in town. It turned out that there was another offer in also and I put my best offer in and it wasn't good enough. So after talking with Kyle about it we decided to put in an offer on our second choice. It was a 3 bedroom 2 bath in Somers, which is about 7 min. from my work. So in reality it is actually closer for me to ge

t to work then I am currently at. Our offer was excepted on all of our terms on the first try. Should have gone lower I guess. I know I know sh

ould have listened to my dad. We have been doing a lot of running around and getting thing but things do seem to finally be coming together. Tomorrow is our inspection and then an appraisal in the next week to week and half. Our loan officer seems to think we might be able to close a little sooner then we had originally said. It is set for March 19. We aren'
t holding our breath on that but maybe we will get to move sooner. Would be nice to have a little extra time. Here are some pictures of our new home.

1 comment:
Congrats!!! I love it
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