Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yesterday night it snowed and stuck a little. The ground was a little too wet, but my car has snow on it. So I drove to work with the assistance of Kyle. Not sure what assistance he was besides laughing at me. He said are you scared. I wasn't but I did have both hands on the wheel. He informed me there wasn't even snow on the road. I didn't care I was practicing!!

Kyle is letting me use his computer now. We set it up at my house because mine is just not really working. It needs help!! I don't know what to do with myself though, it is so fast! I could download music put it on my ipod so quickly, o and do five other things at the same time. Although lets just see how long it takes me to kill his computer.

I am going to Kyle's mom's house for Thanksgiving. Not sure if we are heading over there tomorrow night and staying there or just going for the day. Probably depend on how bad Kyle's day at work will be. Today he had to go in at 2am. He had over 600 cases of beer to deliver. Tomorrow will probably be just as bad. Putting four days of work into three and he usually works 12 hour days anyway. He might be getting his truck out of the shop this week so I won't have to take him to work anymore. No more 5am or this morning 2am.

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